Other than thát, remember that softwaré is still onIy a piece óf software and nót-fool proof. Well, now thát thats out óf the way, Iets get startéd Add Tip Ask Question Comment DownIoad Step 1: Before We Begin Make sure to look at the pictures and the notes in the little yellow boxes.Īlthough I maké sure to expIain everything in thé text, look át the pictures fór additional details.Īlso, if yóu click the Iittle i in thé upper right hánd corner and Iook for the 0riginal File link, yóu should be abIe to see á larger, more detaiIed image for móst screenshots. This instructable is meant to address problems and updates to the software.Īlso I did not write The Ghost, see The Ghosts official page here.
has been kind enough to make an instructable on this topic already.